Want to know the experience and success stories in setting up a business in the United States?
Come & join the Republic of Indonesia LA Consulate General's Webinar with Mr. Aidil Azhar (GM BNI New York), Mrs. Fify Manan (Founder & CEO of Formcase Inc.), Ms. Siska Hutapea (President Cornerstone Valuation Guam Inc.) and Mr. Peter Fung Then (Restaurant Entrepreneur) in Sharing Inspirational Stories: Success in Building a Business in the United States.
The webinar will be held on:
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
17:00 - 18:30 (PDT)
Join this webinar through the following link:
Zoom (ID: 924 473 3672, Password: 34572809)
And Facebook Live @KJRILosAngeles