
BNI 73rd Anniversary Sweepstakes Winners Announcement

Administrator  \  September 04, 2020

Today, September 27, 2019 at 4 PM EST, BNI New York has drawn the names of the winners for the sweepstakes in commemoration of BNI 73rd Anniversary though BNI New York’s Instagram account @bni_newyork Instagram Live.

The following are the names of the winners of the Remittance sweepstakes (7 Airpods):
1. Yuliana Jo
2. Tanbudiono
3. Mirsel Robertus
4. Muhamad Solekhah
5. Sukaryanto
6. Djoko Soetomo
7. Hutasoit Simon Dernando

Next are the sweepstakes for our new service, opening an account for our customers, with 3 Apple Watch as prizes. The following names are the winners:
1. Sinaga Natanugraha
2. Heni Hendayani
3. Stella Sandra Johanna Karinda

Congratulations to the winners of the Remittance and Account Opening sweepstakes! All the winners will be contacted by the BNI New York team through the phone number 347-414-0017; or the winners may also contact us though the number by sending the mailing address information.