PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) through BNI New York Agency, provided financial support Crystal Cove Seafood Corp. (Crystal Cove), a corporation that engages in the seafood trade sector from the United States. This corporation also imports seafood from Indonesia.
The financial support will be used to increase the volume of seafood imports from Indonesia. The financing is marked by the loan agreement signing between BNI and Crystal Cove in New York on Friday, July 14th 2019. This signing was attended by the Director of Treasury and International of BNI, Rico Budidarmo, Crystal Cove CEO, James Salierno, and BNI New York General Manager Aidil Azhar.
Rico Budidarmo said that the provision of this facility is a form of commitment of BNI Foreign Branches to keep seeking and opening opportunities for new collaborations with business in other countries, including the United States. “These opportunities are done especially by BNI with firms that are importing products from Indonesia, as well as being a part of the supply chain of the UMKM [Indonesian: Small Micro Medium Enterprises] customers which are financed by BNI,” he explained.